Category: Grocery & Gourmet Food
Vendor: Monin products are gluten free and alcohol free; GMO free All Monin products are Kosher Does not contain HFSC (High Fructose Co

Product Description : The Irish cream liqueur was brought to market in the 1970's, and has since grown to be highly popular throughout the world. It presents a combination of cream, chocolate, and vanilla flavors blended with whisky. Another popular whisky-containing beverage featuring similar flavors than the Irish Cream liqueur is the "Irish Coffee", with coffee, Irish whiskey and cream. Due to the beverage's popularity, the need arised to have a coffee drink with no alcohol. So in came Monin Irish Cream, for delicious Irish-inspired beverages with no alcohol. Monin Irish Cream is versatile and ideal for flavoring specialty coffee beverages or complementing smoothies, shakes and so much more.